my cousin AND uncle are on their way to houston being saved. THEY GOT NO ADDITIONAL FLOODING!!!!! my grandmother STILL HAS A HOUSE. and the ONLY reason she flooded was because the window broke. my aunt's house (next door to my grandmother) DID NOT FLOOD AT ALL. ray avenue is in pretty good shape if you're there or near there!!!!!!!! but only ray avenue. its MIRACLE. i cant see how that happened except my mother had CHURCHES praying. unbeleivable. praise GOD!!!! i'll be in houston soon. i just heard my cousin that was with my uncle held the WHOLE BLOCK down from looting. shooting negros. GO AHEAD GIRL!!!!!!!!
31 August 2005
praise god my uncle was seen on the news being rescued. God shined down on us and let him be one that they showed. Unfortunatly my cousin who was with him was not seen being rescued. my grandmother has been found. her sister is losing her mind they are seeking medical help. i still have family missing but ROSE MARY JACKSON, SHIRLEY MERREN, CYRIL MERREN, JERLENE TATE HAVE BEEN FOUND. please keep praying for EVERYONE and please donate to the red cross if you can. i really want to thank my TRUE FRIENDS who have been checking on me. i love you all. i really do. if you all ever need anything i am here for you like you're my blood. you know who you are. i owe you all almost my life. i would be really lost right now without you. thank God for bringing you all into my life.
Marigny Street
Ray Avenue
Good Road
Chef Menteur Hwy
Service Road off I-10
Read Road
St Mary's High School
cyril merren
linda merren harris
christina harris
kevin harris
mother of kevin harris
darlene duckworth
charles duckworth
jaqueline duckworth
if you have any word let us know. my mother is getting desperate.
update: all i know is my mom has stopped eating until she hears about my uncle. "i know he's hungry and i will be too". please lord give us news. if i ever had a wakeup call about getting my life right this was it.... why didnt i value my time down there more? i will never be there again. i will never see the house again. i wont be able to show my kids the treasures. i am so hurt.
if anyone has any info on chef menteur highway off I-10 near downman road. chef menteur and ray avenue. st. mary's high school. please contact me!!!!!!!!!! i need to know if they did rescues in the area.
30 August 2005
it has been 24 hours since we last had contact with my uncle
my grandmother was last heard from attempted to get from hattiesburg to lafayette to meet with her sister and brother in law.
my aunt linda and family is still missing... they went to the 9th ward to ride it out the last we heard. i am sure you heard of the fate of many who decided to take that path in the 9th ward....
my great aunt jaqueline is missing.
my dad's great aunts have not been heard from.
my aunt's house in oak harbor in slidell is completely gone. the community is gone
the twinspan bridges of i-10 are gone. you cannot get into the city from slidell
you can no longer call any 504 numbers. they have a special annoucement "due to the hurricane all circuits are busy"
in other news on top of all this my little brother severely ulcerated his eye. he's sick. my mom's sick. its not good news. i am afriad my grandfather will have another stroke. my grandmother cant take the news of two of three children being missing along with her sister and niece. her house is gone. her business is gone. a lifetime of memories are gone. i fear that this is just the beginning.
29 August 2005
after all is said and done: katrina
today was shaping up to be the worst day of my life. i thought in one fell swoop i would lose my grandparents and uncle. i was born in new orleans louisiana on december 4th 1981. i hailed from the 7th ward: paris avenue. my grandparents live right of the chef menteur highway. yeah, new orleans east. its been hailed as unfloodable. it hasn't flooded sincle hurricane camille in 1969 when the levees broke....
fast forward august 29, 2005. new orleans is sideswiped by a major hood ass hurricane katrina. this bitch is big, bad, got a couple gold fronts and is trying to kick up some shit. she's determined to take out a couple houses and some people to boot. new orleans is put under mandatory evacuation. i-10 is only going in one direction: out. its gridlocked to the point where it takes 4 hours to get from new orleans east to slidell and over 10 hours to make the 5 hour trip to houston. my uncle stays behind, my grandmother takes her mother and her nieces and sister to hattiesburg mississippi. my grandfather is in new jersey.
uncle cyril is 11 years my senior and a mommas boy. he stays behind, he is going to be the only thing to come between my grandparent's life work and looters. they are antique collectors. no one thinks hood hop i.e. hurricane katrina is going to flood the east too much....
7:45: i go to drop little brother sethie off to school. i ask my mom the situation. she says my uncle has lost power but they have a cell phone and are calling back and forth.
8:20: i am home, dressed chilling waiting to go to class. my mom is crying "leah the water is the ENGINE OF THE TRUCK!!". they need to get the valuables upstairs as soon aspossible.
8:35: my mother screams "OH LORD LEAH THE WATER IS TO THE ROOF. HE'S GOING TO HAVE TO CUT HIS WAY OUT". we are all in hysterics. the windows have blown out the house. three levees have faulted. the mississippi is flooding the house NOT lake pontchartrain like they though. we just know this is not going to end well. no one can get in touch with my uncle. my grandmother is sick. my grandfather is calm, being a rock all the way in new jersey. i can imagine him saying in his thick spanish accent "its okay. at least we're alive. we can rebuild"
8:45: i am calling all my friends to pray. we need prayers. my family is so dear to me. they cant die like this.
9:20: uncle cyril calls. the water is going down. they are safe... or so they think. i inform my mom that this is the eye of the storm passing.
9:45: my mom screams "leah the water is rising again.... oh lord i need to pray."
11:00: kriss has calmed me down along with a couple of other friends. my mom comes up to tell me that the water is receding. but everything is gone. new orleans east is under 6-10 feet of water. please realize that most houses there are one story. my grandparent's happens to be two. they are lucky.
10:30: i ask my dad "where's aunt black and aunt palmer?" they dont know. "mom. where's auntie linda?" they dont know. "mom did jacqueline leave?" no and she lives in a low lying area.
2:00 my uncle calls. the guest room no longer has a roof. the water is down but everything in floating around. we have lost so much. my mother's wedding pictures. my grandfather's picture of him in antartica. everything i wanted for my kids. a lifetime of memories are gone. maybe they can be salvaged. the looters are walking around too. not good at all.....
yeah the storm is now category 3 and headed right on to hattiesburg where my grandmother is staying. we still need your prayers.

28 August 2005
before i let you go away... can i get a kiss goodnight?
so i am up watching honey. worst movie ever. belongs in a box with glitter and you got served. jessica alba as a biracial chick would be convincing if she didnt feel the need to put on a "blackcent".

so anyway i was sitting here thinking. i noticed that men often times will do so much to get what they want and when they get it they get all complacent and comfortable. they dont work for crap after a certain point. and if you treat them how they are supposed to be treated they are even worse. i am not speaking from my own experience neccesarily but from things i observed. i tend to do a lot for people but from now on i refuse. it's all about me. strange thing is my mom always tells me i think of no one but myself and that it's wrong to say its all about me. then i turn around, go out my way and notice that i do way more for people than i should. so enough is enough already. i'm all about me. bitches dont ask me for shit and i'll stay out your face. i got goals to accomplish.

27 August 2005
if you looked in my life...
and seen what i've seen.
so today i was out shopping. my chapter member is about to have a bouncing baby girl. i am quite sure the baby will have gorgeous dark cocoa skin and beautiful hair along with some bright, big and slightly slanted eyes. i went into target and sam's club and got her a whole bunch of stuff since i couldnt come through on the baby shower. i dont know, i might get her more depending on what she needs. but anyway i found myself in the layette aisle and suddenly i got jealous. then sad. i couldn't figure it out. i've been really emotional the past two weeks because a lot of stuff has gone on but i couldnt figure out why i was feeling that way in the middle of the baby aisle. then i remembered: i wanted to be engaged by now. in my plan i had hoped to be engaged by 23, married by 25 and thinking about kids by 27. well i'm pushing 24 now, about to be graduated. not even a potential boyfriend in sight. i'll probably end up in grad school next year and then working a real job in two. i will probably be moving all around the eastern and southern parts of the country depending on where i decide to go to school. its dawning on me more an more that eventually i am going to have to either a) settle for career and no family b) settle on a man who isnt what i want because family is very important to me c) give up the dreams and go where life takes me. i am not saying i want a baby right now at all. my soror is going through way too much and i have seen what others go through. a baby momma is not a good look for me. so i'm looking into my life. this is definitly a crossroads for me and i am seeing it more and more. school starts monday. all i have on my schedule is euclidian geometry and physics. maybe i'll find some research or maybe i'll conduct my own. who knows. all i know is..
you'll be at peace with yourself
You won't really need no one else
Except for the man up above
Because he'll give you love
Take your time
Baby don't you rush a thing
Don't you know, I know
We all are struggling
I know it is hard
But we will get by
And if you don't believe in me
Just believe in "He"
Cause he'll give you peace of mind
Yes he will
And you'll see the sunshine
And you'll get to free your mind
And things will turn out fine
Oh, I know that things will turn out fine
26 August 2005
24 August 2005
back at square one
so i am single once again. damn did i break a record? lol. sometimes everything can be right but one thing can be large enough to screw things up. in this case it was distance. sadly i dont think things can ever be repaired in this situation. as badly as i want it i doubt he does because i showed my little ass. dont get me wrong he showed his too but i can see why he felt pushed into a corner. our wavelengths missed one another and we just didnt vibe about signals. which is fine because we still are friendly. like i told him before. we could have been great. the distance wouldnt have been so bad if we BOTH werent doing greek shit. BOTH trying to deal with school issues and BOTH carrying heavy loads. we're both busy, which we should have seen coming. i once asked him why greeks tend to date greeks and he told me it was probably because greeks tend to have similar interests and drive. so at the age of 23 we are both trying to get some roots planted for adult life. i know if we had met at say 25 and we both were single things could have been beautiful. but i cant make excuses and he doesnt beleive in second chances so all i can do is be satisfied with the memories of how great the summer was. i know i lost him though because he most definitly is a prize and he'll go off the market about as fast as a townhouse in a high demand area.
so where does that leave me. single and not on the market although i have been getting quite a few offers. let me say something here. i know i am fly and i have a gorgeous mind to go with these gorgeous eyes and these gorgeous lips and these beautifully thick thighs and honey dipped golden skin but let's keep it on a "look but dont touch" basis. my heart right now is definitly somewhere else and i am not trying to get something else started when i plan on moving by summer 2006. i have saved a lot of money this summer and by may i should have a nice little nest egg with which i can pretty much open many options to myself. money in the bank allows me to move right off the bat because i have stuff to pay rent somewhere for a month or two. so i am setting myself up right. i am studying for GREs and trying to get up out of pittsburgh. i keep speaking it. i know i will make it happen. i am so inspired. this place is a black hole. i need to make life right. i am back at square one. back to where i need to be. it has taken me 4 years to get back here, physically, mentally and emotionally. life is great. it was so much better when i had my little secret though. he was my safe haven. i am about to get a car and i know if the going ever got super rough he'd let me drive down just for a hug. lol. cant do that anymore but hey. i did it to myself. i'll find that again.... i hope thats not just wishful thinking. if you caught my vertigo post before i hid it you'd know what i really want.
22 August 2005
A Picture Share!
i am sitting here on break lost in thoughts. I wish i could make that call i used to make at this time. I cant stop beating myself up. I am so awful. All i have now is familiar scenery.
Im never too far no matter how far. reach out and call. ill be right where you are.i'm never too far with you is where i wanna be
murder mase

is that a g unit chain i spy? insead of blogging all new about this. i'm just going to post my comment to this blog.
mase and michelle williams should do a collabo. i kid, i kid. mase is in it for the love of his art. next to rapping and sports, being a protestant preacher is the nation's biggest hustle for a black man. mase even said himself that he has just as much money now as he had before. i guess the rap game was calling his name because when you really think about it being a preacher and being a rapper are two very similar things. you get fame, fortune, wealth, and groupies and only the charismatic prosper. i am not suprised he came back to what he loves. however, this does not mean i agree with him. i only hope this wakes those religious zealots up. putting thousands of dollars in the collection plate only allowed mase to stay the same person he always was.
21 August 2005
El Diablo: A Photoblog
yesterday i chilled with a buddy. he's fam, dont get no ideas. we went and got a burger from red robin and then i got the bright idea to get a bottle. alcohol that is. we go to the liquor store and my buddy says "yo l's what is it that you want? you want some fruity stuff, some mixed stuff, or some hard stuff?" i say "hard". he says "okay, okay so you wanna mix it or take shots because i drink 99 berries and stuff". so here's where i need to insert some measurements in here. i claim to be 5'4'' but i'm really just over 5'2'' and i'm on the small side. i got a little tummy and some thick legs but thats about it. so my buddy starts naming drinks. he gets to "tequilla and my eyes light up". i always wanted to get drunk and "go hard or go home" right?

so i thought it was tequilla but it's something else very similar made from fermented agave cactus. it even has a little bug in the bottle.
so it's time for shots:

yeah it started off nicely. shot for shot i went. at some point i started dancing to club music and apparently i found some rhythm after all. that was sooooooo fun i tell you. it was like i was in my own private club, chilling, not worrying about dudes trying to get on me. i played uno, saw the beginning of ray and everything. then i started talking shit because i couldnt taste the liquor and my buddy has a scrunched up face after every shot. somehow i got to 7 shots. 2 hours later i'm in the toilet, kinky twists being held back and my red robin flashing before my eyes. at which point i find myself laying down running my DAMN MOUTH. telling it all. thank goodness my buddy is cool as hell. eventually i pass out. next thing i know its 5 am. i make it home and the rest was a wrap. i'm still sick. moral of the story: leave that mexican shit alone.
hot tamale is happy i'm finally having fun. i miss my number 8. :o(
19 August 2005
i am wasting time before i go to work. it should go fast today because i no longer have a reason to rush home. i used to run down 7 full city blocks to get the bus stop and rush home. lol. many times it was a futile attempt though but nevertheless i would sit at work and hope the time flew by. so anyway... i dont feel like going but i need to get out the house.
i would just like to congratulate someone i once knew on job well done. he really had me fooled. i thought he was nice and sweet. turns out he's what people say. i wont say what exactly they say because i get this feeling he LIKES that they say that about him because it makes him feel like he's somebody. so here's to using hurtful words to acheive an air of importance.
18 August 2005
i used to love her
i went to visit the newest person to get upgraded to friend status in my book this week. he and i vibe really well and as such he likes old school r&b. finally! shoot i hate hiphop. anyway, he was sharing his fav songs and whatnot and it got me in the mood for some old school r&b. you know: jodeci, boys II men, mary j, etc. i have been downloading jodeci all day, even some sisqo. the problem is that this music set the mood and the tone especially at night and you cant just chill and listen to it with everyone so you cant just vibe with people about it. i am glad to have found someone who shares my affinity for r&b. right now i am listening to "my love" by mary j. i love that entire what's the 411 album. one of my favorites. i also love faith evans' debut. oh and speaking of music i am about to overdose on john legend's 'she dont have to know'. it's one of those songs i cant get enough of and since i was introduced to the album version i cant get enough. that and teairra mari's confidential. i'm really feeling the music right now. maybe i'll do some parties this semester. i dont know though. we shall see.
17 August 2005
twiddling my thumbs
i am sitting here waiting to go out. thinking and stuff. what am i thinking? sometimes you cant force things if you can see they wont work. you might want them to but they wont. it cant be forced.
so anyway today i went to see this bog exhibit with frat. it was very interesting. one of the museum docents took a liking to me and started telling me stuff about the exhibit. it was pretty fun. and then i went and got indian food, which i havent had in so long. i had to school frat on nann and mango lassi. lol. AND i get endless nicknames. right now i'm: young lc homey g WOW p.f. chang. it humors me so much that i had to blog that. so anyway
yesterday i was standing at the busstop waiting for the bus to go to work and this burger (pittsburgher) comes up to me with the wackest game ever. he asks me if i heard of panama records, which is a local recording group here. i told him yeah on the radio. so he tells me to listen to a cd and gives me some beat up headphones. so i humor him as i see my bus coming down the street. so he sees me looking and proceeds to tell me how sexy i am and whatnot. negro my bus is coming. i dont have time, get out my face. see here's the thing. if you think i am sexy, someone else thinks i am sexy and i probably have been told. you think i dont know how i look? why cant guys be more innovative? it sucks.
my toes hurt in between from these shoes i wore today. oh well. it takes a lot to be the fly bitch i am. so you all know how i call myself that? apparently someone thought to call me that too. so i must really be fly.
i'm off to listen to my john legend cd that my buddy so graciously sent me. thanks mike!!!
the day i dont have to work would be the day that downtown floods like crazy due to a water main break. IT SUCKS.
this goes out to all my baby mommas
i am listening to this lil mo song (yeah i got that unreleased stuff) about being a baby momma whose baby daddy doesnt respect her. she's real hood on this mess: threatening him talking about
"you cant just disrespect me
you cant just get rid of me
lemme tell you something
what the hell? aint that some shit? she goes on to sing about how baby father hads a new girl and wants to come first. well you know what i would do if i was miss lil mo, with a job and money and can support herself? i would just walk the hell away. because NO ONE is stuck with ANYONE of life. i have heard negros threat to work under the table the rest of their life to not have to deal with baby mommas. see stuff like this makes me need to throw it back to an old xanga post. its about "why the fuck did you get pregnant in the first place?" and you know some superhood, superchicken chicks out there that will make this mess a number one hit. how about you not be a statistic and do what you need to do to to avoid the mess. man, i am so glad i am me. i dont need anymore drama than i already have. hot mess.
i am really feeling this alicia keys song:
she... aint no different from me
he... aint no different than you
we got to live out on dreams
like the people on tv
you gotta stay tuned.. cause there's more to see (UNBREAKABLE!)
due to technically difficulties (UNBREAKABLE!)
we might have to take a break (UNBREAKABLE!)
y'all know we'll be back next week (UNBREAKABLE!)
we living on dreams
we living on dreams
we living on dreams
no thing... no money... no sin... no temptation... i'm talkin bout lovin
16 August 2005
ramblings of the sleep deprived .i.e. an insomniac
when i got home from new orleans i had a long talk with my dad. about what? i feel like he left me alone in my situation and sometimes it's not fair. he's so easy going and i wish i could be like that, i should be like that because we are alike. between work and that, and other things i havent had much time to squeeze in sleep. you'd never expect it though because i just toss and turn in bed. my mind is full of thoughts, its crazy. i wish i had a way with my words to make my thoughts flow onto paper. recently my friend started sharing their writings with me and i must say i really enjoy hearing it. i cant listen to what everyone writes but theirs is so different. its calming and cool... laidback and relaxing. see, they dream too but they harness their dreams and put them on paper. and thats what i need to do. i get lost in thought at work, at school, everywhere. i wish i could apply what i see in my head to what i describe and then be able to share it with someone i care about. this blog has really opened my mind up a little. i never thought i'd ever want to journal my dreams but i do. i think that if i can put it on paper it will take the edge of the desire to act of them because some of them are unattainable. the problem with being a dreamer is that you imagine things that cannot happen. so yeah. i have been in bed since 6 am thinking about this. this summer has been so interesting, its really shown me some things about me. some things i really love and something i despise.
13 August 2005
peta pt II: the complacency of blacks
i have more to vent about peta but first i would like to add this quote i got from a message board about the situation:
Hey, makes sense to me. Animals = animals. Black folks = animals.
PETA needs to GTFOH w/ that bullisht. They are effing ANIMALS, they will NEVER be on the level of intelligent, cognizant human beings, their "suffering" will NEVER compare to that of enslaved black people, and PETA just showed its serious racism in even allowing this campaign to progress past a brainstorming meeting. smiley_ablg.gif
So, how come they didn't use the Holocaust and the suffering of the Jews?
in response to this. they DID use jews first:

but this campaign was quickly pulled and this was the response:
We appreciate the opportunity to explain why we chose to create this
display and why we think it's so important.
First, please let us assure you that the intention of the display is to
decrease the amount of cruelty in the world, not to downplay the
suffering that has been inflicted on humans. Many of us at PETA are
members of historically oppressed populations, and it is because we
value the heroic efforts of those fighting to overcome prejudice that
seek to raise awareness of the common link between oppression of
and oppression of humans.
We understand that some people may be uncomfortable with comparisons
between humans and animals, but it's important to note that the same
excuses given for the enslavement of Africans, the genocide of Native
Americans, the subjugation of women, and the use of child labor have
also been used to justify the exploitation of animals for human
or convenience. Small wonder, then, that a clear relationship has been
found between cruelty to animals and violence toward humans
By teaching respect for animals, we can also cultivate attitudes of
nonviolence toward humans. As George T. Angell, founder of the
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said,
am sometimes asked, 'Why do you spend so much of your time and money
talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to
I answer: 'I am working at the roots.'"
To learn more about our display-and how you can help bring about a
kinder, more considerate world-please see
I hope this information is helpful. Thanks again for writing and for
your compassion for the defenseless.
The PETA Staff
so you see here lies the dilema. while jews and native americans and women as a whole have all be the subject of these campaigns as well there are some stark differences. the first being that jews do their thing. they get things done. they know how to band together and make moves. they got their reparations, the dont kill each other off like they are auditioning for the KKK and they got these ads taken down. they respond OVERWHELMINGLY as a group and are very powerful. they cant say folks oppress them because it doesnt matter if other groups try. they have grown powerful enough to not need the rest of us. this brings us to native americans. the native american community is not large enough to make a dent and on their respective reservations they have enough issues to deal with. however, i still dont think the picture from the trail of tears is comparable to a black man on a rotisserie spit or hanging from a tree. neither is a bunch of people holding up misogynistic signs at a women's voting rally, for that matter. these things dont strike a nerve like the blacks in this "exhibit" and the jews in the later "exhibit". to see tortured bodies of people out, all willy nilly, being USED so people wont eat meat is pure evil. however, when it comes to the new exhibit they left out the jews and entered in the blacks and somehow in the back of their minds i know they know we dont say shit and we wont say shit. why? because as a race we are content and complacent where we are. all we care about is "get money" and then "spend money". we like to leave the past in the past unless we miss out on a job that we think we are qualified for and dont get.
i advise EVERYONE to write in outrage as i have done but can i really say that most reading this will do it?
12 August 2005
fat people
this is going to be a blog about fat folks and their feelings of entitlement.... just as soon as i digest the food i gorged down my throat. hehehe. yeah i'm not just a bitch.. i'm a HYPOCRITICAL bitch.
white folks always trying to play "my horror was worse than yours". talking about the holocaust was worse than slavery and whatnot. lets think hard for a minute. you mean to tell you you beleive there were only JEWS being exterminated? naw y'all. you hear about them the most because there were more JEWS than blacks, gypsies, homosexuals and physically and mentally disabled people togethter. i noticed hollywood likes to leave these facts out too. you think there was only a bunch of aryans and white jews in europe? come the hell on. and if you were wondering:

if you dont agree with me comment me. let me know what you think. i dont care, black folks have been through a lot and someone is always trying to minimalize it. sometimes we really need to see things for what they are.
oh facebook
unless you're over the age of 40 or living under a rock you know what facebook is. not either. i'm talking the original facebook. hell, i know what it is and my school is not even on there (i go to a small, all women's catholic university that is squashed between the university of pittsburgh, carnegie mellon university and duquesne university) but i know. thanks to my wonderful LS, my number 10, my tail, my spring tide who so graciously shares her password with me and allows me to share her facebook i have been able to experience the wonders of the facebook. let's face it. without facebook i wouldnt have been able to follow up on my regionals connections. one in particular turned out to be great. i have been noticing, however, that there are certain types on facebook that are quite annoying. its like: you're on facebook because you're in school but you waste your life away by spending hours on it. i dont get it. let's outline them shall we?
1. facebook slut: this is the chick who searchs random keywords to come up with a million different matches at various schools. she friends them and then proceeds to glorify people she doesnt know on their wall. they come back in return mentioning phone calls the two have made to each other and outings they have planned. oh 9 times out of 10 this chick has a boyfriend but who wants to bet that she's not satisfied with him and facebook is helping her to find a suitable replacement. you can tell her by the wall that has more messages than can be displayed and friends at schools you never even heard of and you're quite sure they never have either until they found facebook.
2. facebook snob: these are the people who are members of groups like you might see me on facebook but you dont know me or why are you trying to be my friend on facebook but never spoke to me okay so isnt facebook a NETWORKING tool? why cant people try and be your friend on facebook? you might meet some interesting folks you never knew existed at your school. get your nose out the air and embrace them. i mean really, what is the fun in facebook if you are only friends with people you know in real life?
3. facebooker in denial: these are the people who say they were forced to join. they are so against facebook and they are part of their local branch of the anti-facebook group. if you're so against it why did you even join? i noticed these types are the ones updating their profiles 50 million times to include every quote they get off aim and every new pic of themself. they also got every little detail of summer vacation and a link to their myspace and blog.
4. group whores: these are the people who create tons and tons of useless groups just for the sake of creating them. they get abanonded by the second day. take for instance the light bright damn near white group or the i hate wackass parties group. it just sucks up space y'all. give it a rest.
give it a rest y'all. just let facebook be what it is. a fun networking tool. some of you all take it toooooooo far.
11 August 2005
the stolen greek blog

i swiped this one off miss crimson's blog (support her be owt line). okay so when i went to regionals i met some homethug alphas hailing from the first state below the mason-dixon line (i aint naming no chapters or schools). they were in my face talking "haaaaayyyyy so-rorrrr, you ain't got luv for frat??? can we get a picture so-rorrrrrr???" i mean really, he would have been better off trying to be on some green beret miaka type stuff. like he was really feeling calling me soror and stuff. if memory serves me right one had his labret pierced. they were in the hilton lobby at 4 am with sunglasses on. all the rest of the alphas were in the party, smutting out random chicks or dead ass drunk in the lobby (my future secret had retreated to his room after my ls and i whipped he and his dean's tail at spades... well in my mind we won. LOL all good clean fun mind you). no these dudes were straight exploiting the who phrat/soror thing asking for pictures lisping and spitting everywhere. so when i see images online talking about gay phi gay i am reminded of these flaming dudes that get to wear those letters and think about how strong men, like my secret, feel about them.
two weeks. two freaking weeks and my summer is over. two weeks and i have to start the count down to my real adult life. its scary. i am really starting my senior year. really having to think about work, job, money, housing etc. i want to leave pittsburgh and i probably will. i might end up in ohio but i also like virginia and maryland. its whereever money takes me. this summer has been so great. i made new friends, traveled, rested and relaxed. i am very lucky to have been able to have this experience but i didnt want this summer to end. i am scared about what next year holds but i am glad to FINALLY be on the last chapter of this phase of my life.
people for the ethical treatment of animals?
okay so please explain this to me:
a man is hung from a tree for looking at a white women or just for fun. his body is not used for anything meaningful, he can scream and holler in pain, he can tell you how he feels, his life expectancy is around 65 years. a cow is hung for slaughter, if left alone it would only live about 20 years. its body will provide warmth for the cold, meat for us to eat and get strong. protein and thiamin along with niacin come from it's body. without this meat we would be malnutriciant if pill supplements are not available to us. HOW ARE THESE THE SAME????
PETA would like you to think they are. they basicallly trivialized the struggle of blacks and native americans and compare them to animals being eaten for food. they want us all to be vegans? get the fuck out of here. we are meat eating people. we are omnivorous. our bodies need vegitables and meat. we have canine teeth (pointed) and incisor teeth for tearing meat and flat molars for chewing plants. our digestive tract is suitable for both meat and vegitable eating yet notice that if we get too much of one and not enough of another we suffer from irritable bowels and constipation.
yeah we could slaughter animals NICELY but why? they are going to be killed anyway. we could keep them in GREAT conditions but WHY? they are going to be slaughtered anyway. i know it's selfish but people eat meat and have done so since the dawn of man. animals eat other animals. it's a fact of life. so why can man (an animal) eat another animal like a fox eats a chicken, a snake eats a rat or a shark would eat us? come on now. dont expect us to live life on tofu and lettuce because thats what you want and need. and dont compare the struggle, brutality and suffering of my ancestors to the slaughter of animals for consumption. it just aint the same. animals have no soul. if they did they'd be sitting there walking and talking just like us and tell us not to eat them. its one thing not to want a carriage to be drawn by an abused horse or mule and its quite another to forbid us to eat animals that are bred for that reason. give me a break.
p.s. i worked in a zoo very closely with animals for 3 1/2 years. i have heard hunter horror stories. still doesnt sway me. animals can be eaten, its the natural order of things.
they want some skee wee
loved by the alphas
chased by k a psi
wanted by the sigmas
now the ques wanna try...
so it starts. its like.... let's grab an aka, let's date her and see how far it goes. i am a year and a half old. so i know it's not neo fever. it's more like i am a fly bitch and i am nice, and i havent messed with anyone they know of so i am untainted. its like fraternities have sorority smut out quotas. i think i am floating higher and higher on this list too. its a funny thing. i just got asked out on a date (by a man of kapsi). my goodness. i know i have bloomed but y'all are getting ridiculous. there wont be no smutting out of miss leah. the number one reason lives in maryland. there will be a million neos running around these parts by december just hold your horses(dicks) until then.
10 August 2005
men and women
so frat asked me to do this blog type thing for him about men and women and whatnot. signals and things. i am trying to do it to occupy myself right now because i need it. so here are some rough thoughts from when i started thinking.
why do men and women see things so differently? its like we can see the same thing and make different interpretations. i may be sending signals out like "i like you" and he might be getting "she's friendly". in the misinterpretations come problems that start small and end big. where do men and women connect so that the communication paths are clear? its hard for me to say personally because all in all PEOPLE IN GENERAL dont get me. i am a weird, nerdy type chick with a beautiful mind. men and women miscontrue so much about each other in signals and hints when a lot of things can be avoided if we just came out and said what we needed. sadly this doesnt always work and when the smoke clears and everything comes out, relationships have ended, you realize "if i would have said that sooner and if they would have said that sooner everything would have been alright". men think they are so simple but they are not. everything is really cut and dry for them but sometimes it is so blatantly simple that it's complex. women sometimes cant see in black and white, we are not naturally as colorblind as men are, we see in 256 color combinations. we cant get "i'm tired. i dont want to talk" when 95% of the time we have been taught "when a man aint interested he's going to say he's tired". what do we see on television? men who have lost interest in their women and coming home and saying "honey i am tired". so when you are honest and cut and dry we aren't going to get it, we haven't been taught that. we need explaination, we need reassurance. men don get women either because they are so to the point. they dont get why we need explaination. in their minds they are doing all they can do not realizing that those extra words can mean so much. signals between men and women have a fundamental block that can only be removed by two individuals who care enough to make it through the trials and tribulations of life together: those who do not let a single instance break great things apart. those who have a similar desire, need, hope and want.
p.s. i am not giving away your idea. i am just brainstorming. :o)
09 August 2005
Damn you all just wait till i get back to pittsburgh. I am a force to be reckoned with. something that i wanted for a while happened. Shhh....
08 August 2005
06 August 2005
05 August 2005
insomnia II
a bitch cant sleep. why? she went and listened to sean paul's "get busy". yes that 'riddem' as they call it will get anyone hype. and well, if you wanna get hype early on a friday morning you listen to that. i dont. i wanna go to sleep. at this rate i need to take my butt to the track and run. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
this mess has kicked in again. i wake up. i am thinking its like 5 or 6 in the morning. oh no. its like 3:30. :o( i have a weird feeling too. i just woke up with it. like something is wrong or something. i dont know who, what when, where or why but i just got the feeling. that shit SUCKS.... my instincts aint neva wrong. now what happened to who? fess up negros. lol. i am just wasting time until i can fall asleep again but its not looking good.
in other news i got a new nickname: homey g, because i am homegirl to all. lol. i love it. can you tell i am bored? i am stretching for things to write about. shucks. sleep WOULD evade me tonight. i am not really happy about my trip all of a sudden. i dont know why. i hope it passes or else the whole time i am down there i will be wondering if i am about to die. i cant die now.... who's life did i make an impact on? or was the purpose of my life to help someone else find a purpose? i hope not. i thought i was destined for big things. so if i am not alive and kicking by the 17th this is the farewell blog. LOL. the things you say when you are passing time. sleep still isnt here either.... damn
okay here's something new: it went from spring to winter so quickly. i am kinda getting it now. shame on me.
03 August 2005
cleaning people

gotta love the cleaning staff. without them your hotels would be visibly as disgusting as they are invisibly. your dorm woulld have becky's vomit on the wall for months instead of a week. your office would be littered with left over scraps of paper. yes.... cleaning staffs, no matter what name they go by, make the world do 'round.
so i am at work. i am a procedure freak. i am very anal and sometimes i need pick up the rubber bands i drop and the paper scraps. one day i am at work and i hear "no dont pick it up. thats what the cleaning people are for" i couldnt beleive my ears. these people wont willingly pick up the mess they make? no wonder the women are in the break room griping and complaining about the piss on the toilet and the food left in the sink. these folks are grade A nasty. when i was at school drunk chicks would go in the bathrooms to piss and shit on the floor. bump a toilet, alcohol is their excuse.
now mind you cleaning people can be pretty lazy themselves. they would often sit in the lounges on each floor and talk, listen to music and watch tv. can you really blame them? they clean shit and crap all the time.
hotel workers are a class of their own though. i bring a can of lysol to every hotel i stay in. i know they dont change the sheets like they should and you just know hotel stay= lots and lots of sex *assuming you have a partner and they can hang* can you imagine how much semen, vaginal lubricant, blood, spit and other thigns are on those sheets? most of what i named is clear, so you pretty much dont have to wash that. hotel cleaning folks are the most lax of all the cleaning categories.
okay i have to end this one. i am watching a news report on "intelligent design". woe unto the modern day soddom and gomorrah. the world has gone to hell in a hand basket and doesnt know it.
please check out this new paraphernalia site and support an artistic young woman:
currently only serving dst but she better add some pink and green stuff if she knows what's good for her. lol
no wonder lesbian is in style
who needs a man anymore?

Batteries: 4 AA
Length: 18 cm (7")
Welcome to the 21st century! When it comes to deluxe vibrators, none come as close to perfection as the iVibe Rabbit. With power beyond your wildest imagination and a clever control system with advanced I.C. chip technology that allows you perfect control of your pleasure, this is the most high-tech love toy we’ve ever seen! The iVibe Rabbit offers a whole range of sensations - the soft pearl-bead filled shaft vibrates, rotates and swirls, while the clitoral tickler vibrates and pulsates, and the contoured jelly head swivels from side to side and back and forth. Best of all you can control every aspect of this vibrator with the easy push-button controls. You can pick and choose whether you want vibrations, pulsations or both, you can turn the power on the clit stimulator OR shaft up and down as you please, and, you can turn the clit stimulator off altogether when you just want to feel the shaft or vice versa! This is the smartest vibrator in the world - we thoroughly recommend it!"
okay before you jump to conclusions: i like men, love men, adore men. aint nothing like a man's manly arms around you (my secret has very manly arms fyi). a rabbit cant do that.
02 August 2005
What do you do when your every instinct is telling you to abandon ship? You want to try and see if the boat will make it through...
edited to add: this is not a suicidal blog. quite the contrary. this is a blog to keep me happy. i need to vent my irrational thoughts in some way so i dont speak that stupidity out loud. i have a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY good thing in my life right now. something a lot of women wish for and dream of and sometimes my weaknesses make me lose sight of that. i needed to vent that out before i say something stupid and cause myself to lose something very dear to me. you need not know what i am talking about... it's a secret (not very well kept apparently)