peta pt II: the complacency of blacks
i have more to vent about peta but first i would like to add this quote i got from a message board about the situation:
Hey, makes sense to me. Animals = animals. Black folks = animals.
PETA needs to GTFOH w/ that bullisht. They are effing ANIMALS, they will NEVER be on the level of intelligent, cognizant human beings, their "suffering" will NEVER compare to that of enslaved black people, and PETA just showed its serious racism in even allowing this campaign to progress past a brainstorming meeting. smiley_ablg.gif
So, how come they didn't use the Holocaust and the suffering of the Jews?
in response to this. they DID use jews first:

but this campaign was quickly pulled and this was the response:
We appreciate the opportunity to explain why we chose to create this
display and why we think it's so important.
First, please let us assure you that the intention of the display is to
decrease the amount of cruelty in the world, not to downplay the
suffering that has been inflicted on humans. Many of us at PETA are
members of historically oppressed populations, and it is because we
value the heroic efforts of those fighting to overcome prejudice that
seek to raise awareness of the common link between oppression of
and oppression of humans.
We understand that some people may be uncomfortable with comparisons
between humans and animals, but it's important to note that the same
excuses given for the enslavement of Africans, the genocide of Native
Americans, the subjugation of women, and the use of child labor have
also been used to justify the exploitation of animals for human
or convenience. Small wonder, then, that a clear relationship has been
found between cruelty to animals and violence toward humans
By teaching respect for animals, we can also cultivate attitudes of
nonviolence toward humans. As George T. Angell, founder of the
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said,
am sometimes asked, 'Why do you spend so much of your time and money
talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to
I answer: 'I am working at the roots.'"
To learn more about our display-and how you can help bring about a
kinder, more considerate world-please see
I hope this information is helpful. Thanks again for writing and for
your compassion for the defenseless.
The PETA Staff
so you see here lies the dilema. while jews and native americans and women as a whole have all be the subject of these campaigns as well there are some stark differences. the first being that jews do their thing. they get things done. they know how to band together and make moves. they got their reparations, the dont kill each other off like they are auditioning for the KKK and they got these ads taken down. they respond OVERWHELMINGLY as a group and are very powerful. they cant say folks oppress them because it doesnt matter if other groups try. they have grown powerful enough to not need the rest of us. this brings us to native americans. the native american community is not large enough to make a dent and on their respective reservations they have enough issues to deal with. however, i still dont think the picture from the trail of tears is comparable to a black man on a rotisserie spit or hanging from a tree. neither is a bunch of people holding up misogynistic signs at a women's voting rally, for that matter. these things dont strike a nerve like the blacks in this "exhibit" and the jews in the later "exhibit". to see tortured bodies of people out, all willy nilly, being USED so people wont eat meat is pure evil. however, when it comes to the new exhibit they left out the jews and entered in the blacks and somehow in the back of their minds i know they know we dont say shit and we wont say shit. why? because as a race we are content and complacent where we are. all we care about is "get money" and then "spend money". we like to leave the past in the past unless we miss out on a job that we think we are qualified for and dont get.
i advise EVERYONE to write in outrage as i have done but can i really say that most reading this will do it?
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