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Confessions of A Beautiful Mind

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i am a strange, bizarre and intoxicatingly special person. get to know me. i love caramel. that's all i know. bump chocolate and vanilla.

11 August 2005

people for the ethical treatment of animals?

okay so please explain this to me:

a man is hung from a tree for looking at a white women or just for fun. his body is not used for anything meaningful, he can scream and holler in pain, he can tell you how he feels, his life expectancy is around 65 years. a cow is hung for slaughter, if left alone it would only live about 20 years. its body will provide warmth for the cold, meat for us to eat and get strong. protein and thiamin along with niacin come from it's body. without this meat we would be malnutriciant if pill supplements are not available to us. HOW ARE THESE THE SAME????

PETA would like you to think they are. they basicallly trivialized the struggle of blacks and native americans and compare them to animals being eaten for food. they want us all to be vegans? get the fuck out of here. we are meat eating people. we are omnivorous. our bodies need vegitables and meat. we have canine teeth (pointed) and incisor teeth for tearing meat and flat molars for chewing plants. our digestive tract is suitable for both meat and vegitable eating yet notice that if we get too much of one and not enough of another we suffer from irritable bowels and constipation.

yeah we could slaughter animals NICELY but why? they are going to be killed anyway. we could keep them in GREAT conditions but WHY? they are going to be slaughtered anyway. i know it's selfish but people eat meat and have done so since the dawn of man. animals eat other animals. it's a fact of life. so why can man (an animal) eat another animal like a fox eats a chicken, a snake eats a rat or a shark would eat us? come on now. dont expect us to live life on tofu and lettuce because thats what you want and need. and dont compare the struggle, brutality and suffering of my ancestors to the slaughter of animals for consumption. it just aint the same. animals have no soul. if they did they'd be sitting there walking and talking just like us and tell us not to eat them. its one thing not to want a carriage to be drawn by an abused horse or mule and its quite another to forbid us to eat animals that are bred for that reason. give me a break.

p.s. i worked in a zoo very closely with animals for 3 1/2 years. i have heard hunter horror stories. still doesnt sway me. animals can be eaten, its the natural order of things.