cleaning people

gotta love the cleaning staff. without them your hotels would be visibly as disgusting as they are invisibly. your dorm woulld have becky's vomit on the wall for months instead of a week. your office would be littered with left over scraps of paper. yes.... cleaning staffs, no matter what name they go by, make the world do 'round.
so i am at work. i am a procedure freak. i am very anal and sometimes i need pick up the rubber bands i drop and the paper scraps. one day i am at work and i hear "no dont pick it up. thats what the cleaning people are for" i couldnt beleive my ears. these people wont willingly pick up the mess they make? no wonder the women are in the break room griping and complaining about the piss on the toilet and the food left in the sink. these folks are grade A nasty. when i was at school drunk chicks would go in the bathrooms to piss and shit on the floor. bump a toilet, alcohol is their excuse.
now mind you cleaning people can be pretty lazy themselves. they would often sit in the lounges on each floor and talk, listen to music and watch tv. can you really blame them? they clean shit and crap all the time.
hotel workers are a class of their own though. i bring a can of lysol to every hotel i stay in. i know they dont change the sheets like they should and you just know hotel stay= lots and lots of sex *assuming you have a partner and they can hang* can you imagine how much semen, vaginal lubricant, blood, spit and other thigns are on those sheets? most of what i named is clear, so you pretty much dont have to wash that. hotel cleaning folks are the most lax of all the cleaning categories.
okay i have to end this one. i am watching a news report on "intelligent design". woe unto the modern day soddom and gomorrah. the world has gone to hell in a hand basket and doesnt know it.
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