On my nerd...
this is what i am facing today. my pants are too short AND want to roll up at the end. i know my ass grew, i been feeling more than 5'3'' lately i think i'm 5'4''. okay so all i had left in my socks drawer were white sock ohhh no. and then my stupid walking shoes wanna come loose every 150 steps. so i am bending over to fix my shoes, my pants ride up and expose my white socks and black shoes looking like michael jackson circa thriller. today will be a wonderful day... i can see it now. i guess i truly am a nerd now. i embrace it though. LOL. i really dont care. fact of the matter is that i need to wash. and all my cute socks go first. i guess i'll be doing that tonight. damn...
edited to add: as i was walking down the street thinking about how ridiculous it looks for my pants to swing and reveal my white socks inside my handicapped shoes i happened to stop at an intersection. now i am not one to jay walk but this woman decides to hobble her ass to the curb and cross on the green with on coming traffic. i dont know about you but isnt there something crazily insane about a handicapped person jay walking? i mean if you cant even run across, you gotta hobble across why dont you just wait that extra 10 seconds for the light to change?
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