1. why is it 11 pm on a saturday night and while everyone else is getting ready to go out i'm here chilling, still sick from what i drank last night.
2. i dont know wtf was in that punch but damn it, i am hungover all day. whyyyyyy did i even drink it?
3. why do i not care that i'm indoors right now? this is a perfect cuddle night and since i'm the new and positive expressive one i will cuddle with myself. (get your mind out the gutter homey!!)
4. why did i eat that brownie at tgi friday's when I KNOW my ass is sick.
5. why am i not even hopeful that a particular fantasy will come true. the dreamy expressive one is now gone.
6. why do i got ADD (as in attention deficit) yo?
7. why do i love my neos like "a hood chick likes her 27 piece weave"? lol...
8. why did someone ask me if i was from pittsburgh and proceed to tell me i have an accent from another place? nah homey... i just dont talk like y'all burgers, dress like y'all burgers or act like y'all burgers.
9. why was my ex all in my face when i decided not to speak to him? yeah negro, i aint speaking to your bootlegging ass. leave me alone homey. oh yeah and: "don't drop the soap... drop the soap..." *lmao*
10. why cant i find anything to wear to my chapter party? dammit i'm about to bust out in some short shorts, stilletos and a bunch of cleavage. did someone say naked? yeeeessssss!!!!
11. why do i got to get back on the diet monday? shit... getting the body right shouldnt be so damn hard and depriving.
12. why am i so shy???? damn it...
13. why do really fly men intimidate me. i know they are only people but some of them just have everything so together that just the idea of getting to know them shuts me down. so that just leaves me to daydream about the flyness. i wonder if anyone day dreams about me...
14. why dont i like clothes? i need to hurry up and move out because i swear my mom yells at me all the time for accidentally walking out my room in a beater and some underwear.
15. why do i like to smell like dessert? i mean in the summer its going to be a wrap for me because i most definitly smell like cookies and cake and stuff and i wont be able to wear my perfume and stuff. only weird ass me...
16. why am i weird as hell? why dont i care? why do i like being a straight weirdo. i dont like being the same as everyone else. i quickly go against the grain. maybe thats why do many people dont like me. i dont conform. i cant see how thinking like YOU think is going to make ME happy...
17. why does aim make random assed sounds now? the mess woke me up one night and i look up and its a preview for some lame ass movie. another day my friend was talking to me like "is your blog playing 'my humps'' days later we figure out its aim advertising for jamster. sorry homey, annoying me is NOT going to make me go to a movie or buy a ringtone. its just going to make me turn off the damn sound and close out my aim box while i chat.
18. why do i cuss so much on my blog and on aim? in real life, when i cuss you know i'm mad as hell.
19. why do i like that gettin head song? *blushing* i didnt like it at first but then it grew on me. not to say thats what i like or anything nasty... i just like the song.
20. why are people frying twinkies, brownies and hot dogs? its like they just wanna KNOW they are going to die of a heart attack or something.
21. why is it so hard for me to get to nakama? damn it... i just wanna go, so why is it so hard?
22. why will i'll be damned if i dont start going everywhere by myself. i been craing a fuel and fuddle rosemary's breasts and i am about to go by myself
23. why is my new fantasy just going to starbucks, drinking a caramel apple cider and having a good conversation with someone new and smart? i nightdream every night before i fall asleep and lately its just me chilling. my mind just wants some new stimulation. dudes these days are so shallow and one dimensional. either that or straight assholes without a cause.
24. why cant i sleep comfortably when my room is a mess? needless to say my room looks like a tornado hit it with all these clothes (who knew i had so many?) and so i am mad tired right now.
25. why am i scared to throw away my fat pants? i used to be like a size 16 and i am holding on to them jeans for dear life. a size 16 to an 8 is some crazy stuff that people only dream about. yes... miss expressions gets things done. i dont dream... i make moves and get things right (except with my dismal ass dating life. LOL)
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