28 March 2006
27 March 2006
On my nerd...
this is what i am facing today. my pants are too short AND want to roll up at the end. i know my ass grew, i been feeling more than 5'3'' lately i think i'm 5'4''. okay so all i had left in my socks drawer were white sock ohhh no. and then my stupid walking shoes wanna come loose every 150 steps. so i am bending over to fix my shoes, my pants ride up and expose my white socks and black shoes looking like michael jackson circa thriller. today will be a wonderful day... i can see it now. i guess i truly am a nerd now. i embrace it though. LOL. i really dont care. fact of the matter is that i need to wash. and all my cute socks go first. i guess i'll be doing that tonight. damn...
edited to add: as i was walking down the street thinking about how ridiculous it looks for my pants to swing and reveal my white socks inside my handicapped shoes i happened to stop at an intersection. now i am not one to jay walk but this woman decides to hobble her ass to the curb and cross on the green with on coming traffic. i dont know about you but isnt there something crazily insane about a handicapped person jay walking? i mean if you cant even run across, you gotta hobble across why dont you just wait that extra 10 seconds for the light to change?
my space rules
1. my space dont make you cute:

2. my space dont make you a model:

i see pubic hair *blank face*

3. my space dont make this classy:

4. my space dont make you a woman:

5. my space dont make you a "pimp":

moral of the story: quit fucking with myspace. you never know where the pics will end up. i stil got bobbi kristina's pics up on this here blog. lmao...
26 March 2006
throwback: you got jokes?
why does a penis have a hole at the end?
so men can be open minded
what food can you feed a woman to make her stop having sex with you?
wedding cake
what are three words that can ruin a man's ego?
"is it in?"
what do spades and sex have in common?
if your partner is no good you better have a good hand
what does bungee jumping and hookers have in common?
they both cost a hundred bucks and if the rubber breaks you're screwed.
the weekend end
okay so i chilled this weekend. i chilled with my homey, i chilled with my chapter, i chilled with myself, i chilled with my family. i went shopping. okay lemme rant. shit is ridiculous when i get tired of shopping and spending money on clothes. i am about to be a bum. like for real. i spent an obsene amout of money today on one outfit and i am about to go spend a whole bunch more on damn accesories. this is it. i will be repeating outfits. do you know i have repeated ONE OUTFIT (like dressy, going out outfit) since last semester. ri-damn-diculous. i am not a superficial chick. i have said a billion times: "gimme a poor man, we'll struggle together". so why have i spent so much on clothing? i think i am trying to rise to everyone else's expectations of me which is pretty sad. i need to quit. clothes dont make the woman. clothes havent found my dream boo, clothes are not getting me a job, clothes are not making me a well liked woman. so why aren't i stacking even more money than i already am instead of spending it on clothes?
okay anyway, back to this weekend. i watched harry potter, i am about to watch sex and the city. i got a lot of me time in. i got some thoughts together. i evaluated certain relationships and where they stand. i am in a good place and i am honestly wondering about what is in store for me later on... life is good but its going to be better when i put on that cap and gown and say good bye to this stage of my life. from pitt, to college drop out (i fucking hated pitt... my stomach just turned), to transfer student, to mathematician... i've done it all and its time for me to really be on my grown woman.
25 March 2006
1. why is it 11 pm on a saturday night and while everyone else is getting ready to go out i'm here chilling, still sick from what i drank last night.
2. i dont know wtf was in that punch but damn it, i am hungover all day. whyyyyyy did i even drink it?
3. why do i not care that i'm indoors right now? this is a perfect cuddle night and since i'm the new and positive expressive one i will cuddle with myself. (get your mind out the gutter homey!!)
4. why did i eat that brownie at tgi friday's when I KNOW my ass is sick.
5. why am i not even hopeful that a particular fantasy will come true. the dreamy expressive one is now gone.
6. why do i got ADD (as in attention deficit) yo?
7. why do i love my neos like "a hood chick likes her 27 piece weave"? lol...
8. why did someone ask me if i was from pittsburgh and proceed to tell me i have an accent from another place? nah homey... i just dont talk like y'all burgers, dress like y'all burgers or act like y'all burgers.
9. why was my ex all in my face when i decided not to speak to him? yeah negro, i aint speaking to your bootlegging ass. leave me alone homey. oh yeah and: "don't drop the soap... drop the soap..." *lmao*
10. why cant i find anything to wear to my chapter party? dammit i'm about to bust out in some short shorts, stilletos and a bunch of cleavage. did someone say naked? yeeeessssss!!!!
11. why do i got to get back on the diet monday? shit... getting the body right shouldnt be so damn hard and depriving.
12. why am i so shy???? damn it...
13. why do really fly men intimidate me. i know they are only people but some of them just have everything so together that just the idea of getting to know them shuts me down. so that just leaves me to daydream about the flyness. i wonder if anyone day dreams about me...
14. why dont i like clothes? i need to hurry up and move out because i swear my mom yells at me all the time for accidentally walking out my room in a beater and some underwear.
15. why do i like to smell like dessert? i mean in the summer its going to be a wrap for me because i most definitly smell like cookies and cake and stuff and i wont be able to wear my perfume and stuff. only weird ass me...
16. why am i weird as hell? why dont i care? why do i like being a straight weirdo. i dont like being the same as everyone else. i quickly go against the grain. maybe thats why do many people dont like me. i dont conform. i cant see how thinking like YOU think is going to make ME happy...
17. why does aim make random assed sounds now? the mess woke me up one night and i look up and its a preview for some lame ass movie. another day my friend was talking to me like "is your blog playing 'my humps'' days later we figure out its aim advertising for jamster. sorry homey, annoying me is NOT going to make me go to a movie or buy a ringtone. its just going to make me turn off the damn sound and close out my aim box while i chat.
18. why do i cuss so much on my blog and on aim? in real life, when i cuss you know i'm mad as hell.
19. why do i like that gettin head song? *blushing* i didnt like it at first but then it grew on me. not to say thats what i like or anything nasty... i just like the song.
20. why are people frying twinkies, brownies and hot dogs? its like they just wanna KNOW they are going to die of a heart attack or something.
21. why is it so hard for me to get to nakama? damn it... i just wanna go, so why is it so hard?
22. why will i'll be damned if i dont start going everywhere by myself. i been craing a fuel and fuddle rosemary's breasts and i am about to go by myself
23. why is my new fantasy just going to starbucks, drinking a caramel apple cider and having a good conversation with someone new and smart? i nightdream every night before i fall asleep and lately its just me chilling. my mind just wants some new stimulation. dudes these days are so shallow and one dimensional. either that or straight assholes without a cause.
24. why cant i sleep comfortably when my room is a mess? needless to say my room looks like a tornado hit it with all these clothes (who knew i had so many?) and so i am mad tired right now.
25. why am i scared to throw away my fat pants? i used to be like a size 16 and i am holding on to them jeans for dear life. a size 16 to an 8 is some crazy stuff that people only dream about. yes... miss expressions gets things done. i dont dream... i make moves and get things right (except with my dismal ass dating life. LOL)
24 March 2006
so sad...
'Marriage Is for White People'
By Joy Jones
Sunday, March 26, 2006; B01
I grew up in a time when two-parent families were still the norm, in both black and white America. Then, as an adult, I saw divorce become more commonplace, then almost a rite of passage. Today it would appear that many -- particularly in the black community -- have dispensed with marriage altogether.
But as a black woman, I have witnessed the outrage of girlfriends when the ex failed to show up for his weekend with the kids, and I've seen the disappointment of children who missed having a dad around. Having enjoyed a close relationship with my own father, I made a conscious decision that I wanted a husband, not a live-in boyfriend and not a "baby's daddy," when it came my time to mate and marry.
My time never came.
For years, I wondered why not. And then some 12-year-olds enlightened me.
"Marriage is for white people."
That's what one of my students told me some years back when I taught a career exploration class for sixth-graders at an elementary school in Southeast Washington. I was pleasantly surprised when the boys in the class stated that being a good father was a very important goal to them, more meaningful than making money or having a fancy title.
"That's wonderful!" I told my class. "I think I'll invite some couples in to talk about being married and rearing children."
"Oh, no," objected one student. "We're not interested in the part about marriage. Only about how to be good fathers."
And that's when the other boy chimed in, speaking as if the words left a nasty taste in his mouth: "Marriage is for white people."
He's right. At least statistically. The marriage rate for African Americans has been dropping since the 1960s, and today, we have the lowest marriage rate of any racial group in the United States. In 2001, according to the U.S. Census, 43.3 percent of black men and 41.9 percent of black women in America had never been married, in contrast to 27.4 percent and 20.7 percent respectively for whites. African American women are the least likely in our society to marry. In the period between 1970 and 2001, the overall marriage rate in the United States declined by 17 percent; but for blacks, it fell by 34 percent. Such statistics have caused Howard University relationship therapist Audrey Chapman to point out that African Americans are the most uncoupled people in the country.
How have we gotten here? What has shifted in African American customs, in our community, in our consciousness, that has made marriage seem unnecessary or unattainable?
Although slavery was an atrocious social system, men and women back then nonetheless often succeeded in establishing working families. In his account of slave life and culture, "Roll, Jordan, Roll," historian Eugene D. Genovese wrote: "A slave in Georgia prevailed on his master to sell him to Jamaica so that he could find his wife, despite warnings that his chances of finding her on so large an island were remote. . . . Another slave in Virginia chopped his left hand off with a hatchet to prevent being sold away from his son." I was stunned to learn that a black child was more likely to grow up living with both parents during slavery days than he or she is today, according to sociologist Andrew J. Cherlin.
Traditional notions of family, especially the extended family network, endure. But working mothers, unmarried couples living together, out-of-wedlock births, birth control, divorce and remarriage have transformed the social landscape. And no one seems to feel this more than African American women. One told me that with today's changing mores, it's hard to know "what normal looks like" when it comes to courtship, marriage and parenthood. Sex, love and childbearing have become a la carte choices rather than a package deal that comes with marriage. Moreover, in an era of brothers on the "down low," the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and the decline of the stable blue-collar jobs that black men used to hold, linking one's fate to a man makes marriage a risky business for a black woman.
"A woman who takes that step is bold and brave," one young single mother told me. "Women don't want to marry because they don't want to lose their freedom."
Among African Americans, the desire for marriage seems to have a different trajectory for women and men. My observation is that black women in their twenties and early thirties want to marry and commit at a time when black men their age are more likely to enjoy playing the field. As the woman realizes that a good marriage may not be as possible or sustainable as she would like, her focus turns to having a baby, or possibly improving her job status, perhaps by returning to school or investing more energy in her career. (so damn true...)
As men mature, and begin to recognize the benefits of having a roost and roots (and to feel the consequences of their risky bachelor behavior), they are more willing to marry and settle down. By this time, however, many of their female peers are satisfied with the lives they have constructed and are less likely to settle for marriage to a man who doesn't bring much to the table. Indeed, he may bring too much to the table: children and their mothers from previous relationships, limited earning power, and the fallout from years of drug use, poor health care, sexual promiscuity. In other words, for the circumspect black woman, marriage may not be a business deal that offers sufficient return on investment.
In the past, marriage was primarily just such a business deal. Among wealthy families, it solidified political alliances or expanded land holdings. For poorer people, it was a means of managing the farm or operating a household. Today, people have become economically self-sufficient as individuals, no longer requiring a spouse for survival. African American women have always had a high rate of labor-force participation. "Why should well-salaried women marry?" asked black feminist and author Alice Dunbar-Nelson as early as 1895. But now instead of access only to low-paying jobs, we can earn a breadwinner's wage, which has changed what we want in a husband. "Women's expectations have changed dramatically while men's have not changed much at all," said one well-paid working wife and mother. "Women now say, 'Providing is not enough. I need more partnership.' "
The turning point in my own thinking about marriage came when a longtime friend proposed about five years ago. He and I had attended college together, dated briefly, then kept in touch through the years. We built a solid friendship, which I believe is a good foundation for a successful marriage.
But -- if we had married, I would have had to relocate to the Midwest. Been there, done that, didn't like it. I would have had to become a stepmother and, although I felt an easy camaraderie with his son, stepmotherhood is usually a bumpy ride. I wanted a house and couldn't afford one alone. But I knew that if I was willing to make some changes, I eventually could.
As I reviewed the situation, I realized that all the things I expected marriage to confer -- male companionship, close family ties, a house -- I already had, or were within reach, and with exponentially less drama. I can do bad by myself, I used to say as I exited a relationship. But the truth is, I can do pretty good by myself, too.
Most single black women over the age of 30 whom I know would not mind getting married, but acknowledge that the kind of man and the quality of marriage they would like to have may not be likely, and they are not desperate enough to simply accept any situation just to have a man. A number of my married friends complain that taking care of their husbands feels like having an additional child to raise. Then there's the fact that marriage apparently can be hazardous to the health of black women. A recent study by the Institute for American Values, a nonpartisan think tank in New York City, indicates that married African American women are less healthy than their single sisters.
By design or by default, black women cultivate those skills that allow them to maintain themselves (or sometimes even to prosper) without a mate.
"If Jesus Christ bought me an engagement ring, I wouldn't take it," a separated thirty-something friend told me. "I'd tell Jesus we could date, but we couldn't marry."
And here's the new twist. African American women aren't the only ones deciding that they can make do alone. Often what happens in black America is a sign of what the rest of America can eventually expect. In his 2003 book, "Mismatch: The Growing Gulf between Women and Men," Andrew Hacker noted that the structure of white families is evolving in the direction of that of black families of the 1960s. In 1960, 67 percent of black families were headed by a husband and wife, compared to 90.9 percent for whites. By 2000, the figure for white families had dropped to 79.8 percent. Births to unwed white mothers were 22.5 percent in 2001, compared to 2.3 percent in 1960. So my student who thought marriage is for white people may have to rethink that in the future.
Still, does this mean that marriage is going the way of the phonograph and the typewriter ribbon?
"I hope it isn't," said one friend who's been married for seven years. "The divorce rate is 50 percent, but people remarry. People want to be married. I don't think it's going out of style."
A black male acquaintance had a different prediction. "I don't believe marriage is going to be extinct, but I think you'll see fewer people married," he said. "It's a bad thing. I believe it takes the traditional family -- a man and a woman -- to raise kids." He has worked with troubled adolescents, and has observed that "the girls who are in the most trouble and who are abused the most -- the father is absent. And the same is true for the boys, too." He believes that his presence and example in the home is why both his sons decided to marry when their girlfriends became pregnant.
But human nature being what it is, if marriage is to flourish -- in black or white America -- it will have to offer an individual woman something more than a business alliance, a panacea for what ails the community, or an incubator for rearing children. As one woman said, "If it weren't for the intangibles, the allure of the lovey-dovey stuff, I wouldn't have gotten married. The benefits of marriage are his character and his caring. If not for that, why bother?"
Joy Jones, a Washington writer, is the author of "Between Black Women: Listening With the Third Ear" (African American Images).
i gave up on prince charming ages ago. i barely even desire to date. if i ever were to have a serious boo i would be so happy and appreciative to having him in my life. he wouldnt know what to do with himself. LOL
this one is deciated to:
all my sexy men on their john legend/pharell.
my friend told me its gay for men to wear less loose pants. i dont think its gay at all,its soooo sexy and clean looking. i am a fan i tell you! my future guy friend (who doesnt exist yet) is going to wear quirky tee's and nice pants. he's going to have his own style. bump that baggy stuff. there's a kappa whose style i absolutely ADORE. i mean i'm a chick and i'm jealous of how fly his style is. men, you all need to take more pride in how you look. i need you to be fresh, not ashy, not smelly, keep that hair shaped and most of all have a nice sense of style. you will NEVER step out with me looking bad on an outting. i went to the movies with my homey once (no romantic involvement mind you) and he wanted to walk in front of me because i was nicely dressed up and he wasnt. well dammit... stay on your toes homey. i just need to note that my hmey is super fresh, i just caught him off guard LOL.
okay the moral of this story is: an fly, fresh guys in my area wanna go shopping with me? lol
22 March 2006
debra lafave
this young blonde teacher admits to having sex with a 14 year old boy and she gets the charges DROPPED because they dont want him to TESTIFY???? wtf? let this have been a man or a woman of another race and they would have crucified her. but this broad happens to look like this:

21 March 2006
i'll never sit in the back of the bus again
1. i was sitting in theback of the bus which is higher up. i happened to be next to the middle door. this man decides he is going to bring in all the clothes he owns to the laundromat to wash them and then proceed to transport them on the bus in torn comforters. the piles blocked me in my seat:
2. i was sitting in the back of the bus and this chick of the clear persuasion gets on the bus. she sits next to this woman. i have my headphones on then i notice that the other woman of the chocolate persuasion is petting the other woman and unbraiding her hair. then this little boy keeps looking at her, sits on the step and talks to her talking about she's too old for him because he's 18. i was getting this creepy feeling like they would all get off the bus and proceed to have a "household of three" experience. they were gross looking too...
3. i was sitting in the back of the bus and this guy taps me as i am listening to my ipod. he asks me how many songs i have on there. i tell about over 800. he says "you dont have my cd on there do you?". i give him the blank face. he proceeds to tell me everyone in his family sings and as though i dont beleive him he starts to sing about pittsburgh. i put my headphones back on and the clear people start moving away, clearly scared.
4. i was sitting the back of the bus and smelled piss... people piss in the back of the bus.
5. i was sitting in the back of the bus watching these kids pet and tongue each other down. i wanted to tell them to get a room because they were directly in front of me but their seat was perpendicular to mine. why must you do that shit on the bus?
16 March 2006
i need a date
dammit. i got a cute lil dress waiting for a nice guy to take me out. i think its going to be sitting in my closet for a while too.
13 March 2006
12 March 2006
why i love me an alpha man pt II
i love y'all alphas. i really do. on some nongreek stuff y'all are the best. the smartest, the most sucessful, the ones i admire the most. anyway...
they got me all hype and wanna do the greek thing again...
10 March 2006
Freaky Fridays
1. number one thing that i saw today was so damn freaky that it would illicit page hits from pedophiles so i cant share. i shared with a couple people and they thought it was crazy too.
2. i was on my way home from work sitting at the busstop. i hear a honk... its a car of chicks from my work going the direction i needed to go. instead of stopping and asking if i needed a ride down the hill (my toe is broken and black)they toot and keep going. i guess i'm the work outcast too.
3. i am still standing at the busstop and this guy pulls up to me. all i see is glasses and think its the computer teacher from work. the guy points down the hill, i nod. he gestures me to come over and opens the door and says "you going down the hill? i'm a jitney, get in" i say "i have no cash". he says: "get in anyway" i decline, he slams the door. wtf? you just offered me a jitney and then a free ride? i had a flash of a mutilated expressive one.
4. i get on a bus to go to town since i cant get down the hill. my bus stops at this gridlocked intersection. the perpendicular traffic is spilling out onto the street as they wait to enter this parking garage. after missing two lights the bussdriver leans on his horn at a white woman in a suv. when that doesnt get her to move he parks his bus, opens the door and cusses her as out. "i done sat through two lights waiting for you people. get the hell out the street... etc". i know he scared her AND the attendents.
5. i'm driving down this main artery to get to the interstate ramp. there's a dead body in the damn street. yeah, a man got hit by a hit and run. the shit is a damn crime scene but the medics havent gotten there yet. its the first dead body i've seen in life. i have never seen someone that life just left. i called my friend who happens to live right across the street and it freaks them out too.
today was crazy.
forgive me father...
i have a confession to make. i've become one of those chicks who squander away money on clothing. when i get bored i go to the mall. i spend lots of money on lots of things that i dont need. i have two dresses just chilling that wont see the light of day until at least may. i got some shoes in november that wont come out until after that may holidays (memorial/labor day). i have crazy amounts of accesories and i cant even fit all my shoes in my closet. i have ridiculous amounts of gloves and even a couple hats. i have more jeans that i'll ever need. i am filling up my closet and my mother's and i still aint done. i got summer clothes in storage but i plan on buying more summer outfits. did i mention that i don go anywhere? i am a damn hobbit. so tell me why i am clothing obsessed... is this my way of compensating for something? am i insecure? do i need to hide something? am i trying to hide my average face with above average outfits? am i trying to attract a flashy man? whatever it is... it needs to stop. in spring 2004 i wore flats and casual outfits everwhere. i even wore tennis shoes. today i havent bought a pair of tennis shoes since summer 2003. someone pray for me...
09 March 2006
Think About it Thursdays
1. why are we rewarding some people for a song about a pimp that is written on a second grade level?
2. do ugly dudes who talk bad about ugly chicks do so to feel better about themselves? do they not realize that the ugly chicks dont want them and neither do the cute ones?
3. jermaine jackson is talking bad about michael. lets think about this: do you think michael cut off is sibling support?
4. a sigma and a que on college hill? i think i'm about to be more embarassed than oscar night.
5. why people wanna care when you quit caring?
6. limited profiles on facebook... is it ever that serious? (the answer would be YES.)
7. assholes without a cause. are they compensating for something?
8. wild 'n out is rigged... i know they tip them off on possible answers before hand. think about how wack that is.
9. a 17 year old boy has sex with an inebriated 17 year old girl and claims the sex was consensual and not rape. think about it.. she was drunk as shit and just laying there.
10. in 2006 we do it big, alpha kappa alpha sorority, inc alpha sigma chapter party for the nsbe national conference. for more info email chapter@alphasigma1908.com
1. when i'm walking down the street and i know there's nothing but me and passing cars i sing as loud as i can.
2. i'm an antisocial introvert. i joined a sorority with hopes that it would help that. instead its caused me to become more of a recluse.
3. i am secretly too giving.
4. i hate my butt and my nose.
5. i love my thick legs.
6. i wish i were taller.
7. i wish i were darker.
8. i wish i got more attention from the guys i'm attracted to.
9. sometimes i think i dont because my look isnt right.
10. i am very negative.
11. i am too loving.
12. i care too much, i give too much.
13. i'm poor but my dad's not...
14. i'm spoiled as hell.
15. i like my hair but lately i wish it were longer.
16. 2005 taught me what it felt like to be jealous... 2006 taught me to get over it.
17. i'm happy i have someone to hold me now.
18. i dont bless my food because i forget.
19. i talk to God as i walk.
20. i'm afraid of the dark
21. i beleive in ghosts
22. i'm afriad i wont get a job
23. i think my prayers are unheard
24. i can be reckless
25. i'm a romantic
26. i dream of a man taking me out on a movie date one day
27. this weekend was great but dammit... i wish i hadnt destroyed the illusion. feelings aint the same.
28. in 2006 i feel better than i have in a long time
29. someone owes me a lot of money but i told them to forget giving it to me because i dont have time for the bullshit. i dare them to try and weasle back into my life. i'll just remind them of what they did...
30. i should have bought my homey's prepaid legal.
31. i got a lot of chicks on limited facebook profile. i wonder if they notice.
32. i'll never mess with another greek
33. i dated someone just to see if i could make myself like them because it seemed right to like them. then their true colors emerged and i no longer gave a damn.
34. i think i need a thug.. its official. my neo recommended it to me.
35. i hate women
36. i love a chocolate man
37. i love a nerdy man even more with glasses and vingtage tee's on their john legend.
38. i hate my feet, they're ugly.
39. i no longer care.
40. I LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!
08 March 2006
07 March 2006
through the worm hole
my picture was taken off my chapter website and put onto a message board along with several other members of my organization. did i mention its a popular porn board and every black man goes to it? yeah. the thread wasnt nasty or anything but it was about my organization and what members look like. my friend called me and told me there was a pic of me on there so i call another friend and make them look so i could see what was going on. i dont get to see it myself until the evening. as i am scrolling through i notice men taking about having an NPHC pin. they say "its when you run up through all the sororities and auxillaries" and that it isnt hard to get. i dont know about you all but i always heard that a man who brags on his dick is bragging on make beleive. as i browsed the rest of the board (i became familiar with it when i would go over my homey's house and it would stay on the computer, lol) i noticed its a bunch of men sitting around looking at porn. i have no problem with that but i can just imagine what the good majority look like. it kind of turned my stomach a little. it was a bunch of shit talking which always means that the majority of posters say everything they wanna say online and in real life they dont come close to it (i say majority because i know someone who posts there and they are pretty much an asshole at all times in real life so i can imagine them being like that on the board). so what have we here? a bunch of mediocre porn fiends talking shit because because they cant do it in real life. it was kind of weird to see so i immediatly jumped out the worm hole. i'll never venture on that site again... *shudders*
06 March 2006
walk with me Lord... walk with me
if this mess dont make me wanna run to church and pray for our community to wake the hell up... AND it won an award..
i guess all that crap about them being of the devil can be washed away now that they thanked jesus too... *snickering*
02 March 2006
Think About it Thursdays
1. i was on the bus today and a passenger was arguing with the bus driver about her choice to be a jehovah's witness. last i checked that was her choice and she made a valid point about in the bible it says you dont have to give all your money to a damn minister. i guess us christians sentenced to damnation for our "erroneous" choice of denomination(catholics, jehovah's witness, mormon, scientologists) should unite right?
2. how done am i with my organization? i cant even bring myself to do that on here but its a wrap folks. maybe i'll ebay some shit... lol
3. why am i the only person in the world that admits when they're wrong. someone can be blatantly wrong and not admit the shit. what kind of sense does THAT make?
4. mardi gras after katrina... think about it
5. george bush's reaction to the idea of a catastrophic hurricane hitting the coast.
6. the united arab emirites buying out our major ports essentially and then a week later a "leak" that says they donated around $100 million to katrina aid. dont you all feel funny about the "terrorists" (because you know all arab/indian,fuck being PC i'm an american, people are terrorists) having such access to our ports?
7. the internet is the devil

8. speaking of the internet dont you feel some kind of way they are trying to make us pay "internet tolls"? i guess they got tired of people using the internet to bypass needing long distance.
9. i guess i am a communist at heart... (pure communism not stalinism or any other perversion)
10. someone get me this quick... er umm... i mean, here's something else to think about... ibuzz