04 April 2006
one of my best friends
without you i'd have no shoulder to cry on (literally). you the BEST, A! indian food is never repayment enough. thanks for listening through those tears and giving me the hugs i needed.
01 April 2006
28 March 2006
27 March 2006
On my nerd...
this is what i am facing today. my pants are too short AND want to roll up at the end. i know my ass grew, i been feeling more than 5'3'' lately i think i'm 5'4''. okay so all i had left in my socks drawer were white sock ohhh no. and then my stupid walking shoes wanna come loose every 150 steps. so i am bending over to fix my shoes, my pants ride up and expose my white socks and black shoes looking like michael jackson circa thriller. today will be a wonderful day... i can see it now. i guess i truly am a nerd now. i embrace it though. LOL. i really dont care. fact of the matter is that i need to wash. and all my cute socks go first. i guess i'll be doing that tonight. damn...
edited to add: as i was walking down the street thinking about how ridiculous it looks for my pants to swing and reveal my white socks inside my handicapped shoes i happened to stop at an intersection. now i am not one to jay walk but this woman decides to hobble her ass to the curb and cross on the green with on coming traffic. i dont know about you but isnt there something crazily insane about a handicapped person jay walking? i mean if you cant even run across, you gotta hobble across why dont you just wait that extra 10 seconds for the light to change?
my space rules
1. my space dont make you cute:

2. my space dont make you a model:

i see pubic hair *blank face*

3. my space dont make this classy:

4. my space dont make you a woman:

5. my space dont make you a "pimp":

moral of the story: quit fucking with myspace. you never know where the pics will end up. i stil got bobbi kristina's pics up on this here blog. lmao...
26 March 2006
throwback: you got jokes?
why does a penis have a hole at the end?
so men can be open minded
what food can you feed a woman to make her stop having sex with you?
wedding cake
what are three words that can ruin a man's ego?
"is it in?"
what do spades and sex have in common?
if your partner is no good you better have a good hand
what does bungee jumping and hookers have in common?
they both cost a hundred bucks and if the rubber breaks you're screwed.
the weekend end
okay so i chilled this weekend. i chilled with my homey, i chilled with my chapter, i chilled with myself, i chilled with my family. i went shopping. okay lemme rant. shit is ridiculous when i get tired of shopping and spending money on clothes. i am about to be a bum. like for real. i spent an obsene amout of money today on one outfit and i am about to go spend a whole bunch more on damn accesories. this is it. i will be repeating outfits. do you know i have repeated ONE OUTFIT (like dressy, going out outfit) since last semester. ri-damn-diculous. i am not a superficial chick. i have said a billion times: "gimme a poor man, we'll struggle together". so why have i spent so much on clothing? i think i am trying to rise to everyone else's expectations of me which is pretty sad. i need to quit. clothes dont make the woman. clothes havent found my dream boo, clothes are not getting me a job, clothes are not making me a well liked woman. so why aren't i stacking even more money than i already am instead of spending it on clothes?
okay anyway, back to this weekend. i watched harry potter, i am about to watch sex and the city. i got a lot of me time in. i got some thoughts together. i evaluated certain relationships and where they stand. i am in a good place and i am honestly wondering about what is in store for me later on... life is good but its going to be better when i put on that cap and gown and say good bye to this stage of my life. from pitt, to college drop out (i fucking hated pitt... my stomach just turned), to transfer student, to mathematician... i've done it all and its time for me to really be on my grown woman.