Think About it Thursdays
1. i was on the bus today and a passenger was arguing with the bus driver about her choice to be a jehovah's witness. last i checked that was her choice and she made a valid point about in the bible it says you dont have to give all your money to a damn minister. i guess us christians sentenced to damnation for our "erroneous" choice of denomination(catholics, jehovah's witness, mormon, scientologists) should unite right?
2. how done am i with my organization? i cant even bring myself to do that on here but its a wrap folks. maybe i'll ebay some shit... lol
3. why am i the only person in the world that admits when they're wrong. someone can be blatantly wrong and not admit the shit. what kind of sense does THAT make?
4. mardi gras after katrina... think about it
5. george bush's reaction to the idea of a catastrophic hurricane hitting the coast.
6. the united arab emirites buying out our major ports essentially and then a week later a "leak" that says they donated around $100 million to katrina aid. dont you all feel funny about the "terrorists" (because you know all arab/indian,fuck being PC i'm an american, people are terrorists) having such access to our ports?
7. the internet is the devil

8. speaking of the internet dont you feel some kind of way they are trying to make us pay "internet tolls"? i guess they got tired of people using the internet to bypass needing long distance.
9. i guess i am a communist at heart... (pure communism not stalinism or any other perversion)
10. someone get me this quick... er umm... i mean, here's something else to think about... ibuzz
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