think about it thursdays
so the hell what if its monday, i missed it on thursday.
1. i read this story about a man who dangled his girlfriend outside a 23 story window while he was high and they were just playing... think about that. let it simmer. i neednt say more.
2. the kindergarten teacher at my job had to have alittle talk with her students because they all saw the new madea movie. one four year old remarked that she enjoyed when the police man started stripping. how sad is it that our community has no regard to age appropiate content for kids.
3. i go to sleep watching mean girls every night. how nerdy am i?
4. damon wayans tried to copywrite the word nigga for 14 months so he can put it on shirts. i dare a black person to be mad when a white person rolls up on them talking about "what up my nigga". we need to get it together.
5. how appropiate is this quote?
One of the most repulsively fascinating facts about contemporary black popular culture is how it continues to reach fresh lows. It finds new ways of leaping all fences that would bar it from falling into a bottomless pit of tastelessness. All of the insults and burdens of minstrelsy have been bested by black comedians and rappers who have made stupidity, hedonism, pimping, misogyny, pornography and violence their stock in trade.
6. the best feeling in the world is to get a man who was all wrong for you out your system. why is that?
9. why are some women not happy unless they are getting attention from a man?
10. why will i be labeled a hater for making that observation?
11. why am i having a love affair with the state of maryland? i am sooooo there asap
12. ummm... trey songz... umm.... oh nevermind. just look for your selves.

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