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Confessions of A Beautiful Mind

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i am a strange, bizarre and intoxicatingly special person. get to know me. i love caramel. that's all i know. bump chocolate and vanilla.

23 February 2006

peeving and pets

1. people who crack their gum
must you make that constant, incessant cracking noise every chew? its so disgusting. it sounds like you have holes in your teeth, in which case: do you really think you should be chewing gum?

2. men with ashy hands
the mess is not cute. you look kinds gross when you're a chocolate brother with white hands. i dont want no hands on me that are hard and crusty. body butter is a miracle! so is eucerin.

3. nosy people
you know the type. your phone rings. "who's that?". wtf you mean 'who is that'? my business... that's who. you'll never hear me asking who you're talking to. dont expect me to be nosy too. dont expect me to listen to your conversations because you listen to mine. dont get off the phone andbe like "did you hear that?". NO! i'm not nosy. i'm private. that means, dont look over my shoulder at my computer screen, dont look at who i am calling, dont look at who is calling me and dont ask. if i want you to know, best beleive my big mouth will tell.

4. "you're so vain, you probably think this blog is about you"
i noticed a trend... people visit my blog and think i am talking about them. lemme inform you all of something. not only am i NOT talking about you, for every five thoughts you give me i MIGHT have given you one. you are not the focus of my life, i dont live to satisfy you and quite frankly i'm on "grown ass woman who dont give a f---".

5. spitters
you know the drill with me

6. selfish people
i am giving as hell. its to the point where its compulsive. if you ask me for something 9 times out of 10 i will get it for you. if you're sick and i'm broke i'll find a way to get you the medicine you need. if you're hungry, i'll feed you. thats what i do. so why is it WHEN I NEED everyone all of a sudden wanna forget all i have done? why is it when christmas rolled around i rearranged my money to get certain people a gift and didnt even get a card in return? i mean really... that shit hurts when it comes down to it.

7. liars
don't tell me the sky is burgundy, your ass knows its blue. i have encountered a good deal of liars these days too. what is it with you people? do you think we dont know you're lying?

8. facebook whores.

you know who they are. they got buddies from 10 billion different schools and they only met 1/16 of them.

9. nphc greeks.
the only place where high school nerds and lames can BE SOMEBODY and feel like they are doing something. personally, i liked it better when no one knew my ass. then they wouldnt have my name all in their mouths. this is to no one in particular but i've seen too much shit that tells me that npch greeks are some of the most dysfunctional, attention deprived, needy, self hating bunch of people. if i knew then what i know now...

10. two faces
i dont like you? i dont speak to you. i wont smile in your face. dont do it to me. so far there's only one chick i have encountered who doesnt like my ass and wont front and doesnt speak. she gets mad respect from me for that. i'm glad she doesnt carry on the front. much different from another chick who i have been told talks mad shit but every time she sees me is all smiles and shit. now, i know people read this blog and are going to ASSume who i am talking about... feel free because you're only going to think its you if you're guilty of this blatent act of two faces. and then what are you going to do? not talk to me? awww shucks.