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Confessions of A Beautiful Mind

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i am a strange, bizarre and intoxicatingly special person. get to know me. i love caramel. that's all i know. bump chocolate and vanilla.

05 November 2005

antisocialism manifested

take a walk on any college campus, ride any bus, sit in any starbucks, walk down any downtown street and all you see today are people with those inconspicuous, white, in ear head phones. you look around their body and see no buldge from a cd player. for long rides you notice they dont change their cds. why? it's the IPOD generation. everyone has an IPOD shuffle, mini, nano or (if they have a brain) they have some other mp3 drive. you see them everywhere, from the city streets to the park trails. along with this phenomenon is the fact that no one is forced to speak anymore. see someone you dont want to talk to? bury yourself in your ipod. dont say hi while walking down the street. if you bump someone, save your breath, they wont hear your apology because they're fully into their mp3 player. americans, especialliy northern americans, have been heading down the straight and narrow antisocial path for a while. while in the past they have been considered rude they now have an excuse for walking past you without acknowledgement: "i was too into my song".

unless, of course, they're foxy brown. I KID!! LOL