think about it thursdays
1. i met a little girl today named: Jaqueznic. say it with me: JA-QUEZ-NIC i hope she's a bad little bitch, with top notch SAT scores, who gets to go to a top school and graduates head of her class because that's the ONLY way she is going to get by with that name... i'm all for unique and expression but thats beyond pushing it.
2. dont you hate when chicks talk about they do hair but they heads look a hot mess? isnt it worse when you KNOW they TRIED to hook it up and it still aint cutting it?
3. why do people say "you look tired"? you know they mean "you look like shit on a platter".
4. why am i so shy? you would think i would get over that mess...
5. why can i only find rhythm when i am intoxicated?
6. how come dudes send mixed messages? when they "set you straight" and you fall back they get on that "if you only knew" crap?
7. i'm waiting on the bus. the whooooooooole block is open. why does this old woman stand next to ME and smoke? now my fresh hair smells like smoke.
8. how homoerotic is this? (click to enlarge)

9. facebook is officially the devil. employers are using it to check up on you.
10. this poor confused child:

shit.... he was better off not 'getting saved' in the first place aint nothing worse than a backslider to that degree who basically throws it in everyone's face that he pimped everyone. damn shame. welp.. since he wont be needing that chincilla in hell he might as well live it up now.
oh yeah... why is being a pastor the best hustle for an outspoken black man? think about it...
11. how wack is it for you to see someone who catches your eye and not be able to even talk to them? its like you know how funny and nice you are with your friends but the thought of talking to the person freezes you to the point that you dont even want to make that move. the life and times of young lc. its a rare occurance that people actually catch my eye but when they do its like i'm in a deep freezer. i think amber and i scared someone this weekend trying to get me over that shyness. needless to say that didnt work. (yes i'm still mortified)
12. why do negros always miss me when i'm gone? furthermore why do they realize that i'm am special as hell and not easily replaced AFTER the fact?
13. who the hell messed keyshia cole up so much? first she changes her mind about loving someone, then she wishes she cheated. her album is the bitter chick anthem (its still hot though!)
14. J.O.S.E: THE RECKONING 1.20.2006 CMU, UNIVERSITY CENTER! they aint ready....
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