bobbi kristina (and more celeb kids)
whit whit and bobby have a problem on their hands
here's a little sample from the nimpho_babby: name is krissy,i love my cell phone very much and i love talkin on it, hanging with my friends all the time lol, i ABSOLUTLY love shopping of course, i love swimmin with hot guys lol (memories),i love makingout,i love cheerleading,i love my dogs molly and doogie lol i love there names, i love driving, and last but not least i love BOYS, BOYS, BOYS!!!!!!!! lol thats all for now. xoxo SeXi KrIsSy xoxo
ummm okay.... want more folks?

yes ladies and gentleman this little kid loves making out, wearing colored contacts, lists HER income at $250,000 and is about 12. she'll be fuckin by 13. damn shame. want to see more?
and while you're at it.... faith evans'girl: chyna
justin combs (diddy's son)
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