Big in 2005 Awards
I would like to thank:
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated for making sure i never have a dull day.
Spring Tide for holding me down 90% of the time.
Jealous Bitches for breaking me down
Me for building me back up
CT/Maryland/Kriss/Absolute Zero/0 Degrees Kelvin for making an asshole out of me and making my fingers type more vulgar words than i could ever say.
The distinguished brothers of all the NPHC Fraternities for making me feel pretty (dammit i got y'all all covered except Iota Phi Theta and I saw some sexy Iotas recently....)
CT/Maryland/Kriss/Absolute Zero/0 Degrees Kelvin for breaking my man drought no matter how short lived the relationship was. For treating me like someone important for that short time (he flew me to maryland and drove 7 hours to bring me to Cedar Point and stand for hours on a bad ankle)
To the person who just said this to me over AIM: "ive been watching the addtions and subtractions to your page...let me are seriously one of the most beautiful women i have ever almost met" for making my day.
To my homey/"special" twin for being one of the only greeks to show me MAD LOVE constantly and consistantly. For being real with me most of the time and for holding me down in private. And for giving me my first greek gifts since I was initiated (even though i have made MAD gifts for others)
To my old friend/ex for giving me years of issues that I have worked through and become stronger as a result.
To my "interests" for being TRASH and making me strengthen myself that much more because they are walking us to the guillotine because of their foolishness.
To my INTERESTS for being some of the most wonderful women in the world.
To Carlow for putting me in mad debt to get the education i needed.
To Pitt for only making me waste about $5000 to learn i can function in large schools.
To everyone who accepts my gracious giving and doesnt appreciate it for making me a bitter assed bitch who is about to be selfish as shit.
To A-Step for letting me realize how good it feels to share the knowledge.
To Maryland for being the state of my dreams
To Hurrican Katrina for being a bad bitch and wiping out a big part of my life.
To Tequilla for showing me why its not fun to be drunk. Everytime i smell or think i taste you i get sick.
To my homey for being there the first time i got drunk and holding my kinky twists out the toilet as i threw up and holding me down as i passed out. LOL
To long walks for making me slimmer and making bitches even more jealous.
To my dad for keeping me dressed to impressed and keeping those jealous chicks hate even more.
To jealousy for making me go out my way in every way to try and win that prize, to try and prove myself, to try and be the best i could be in their eyes.
To failure for bringing me back to reality.
To my mouth for having oral diarrhea when it came to the prize.
To common sense for yelling at me and telling me that no one deserves all that i give.
To unconditional caring for making me overlook common sense.
To remorse, you never fail to kick in 10 seconds after i turn to leave.
To my beautiful mind for making me constantly wonder if i am really as great as i think i am and as i have been told since i could never get the thing i tried the hardest to get.
To negros who live double lives you've hurt my feelings more than you know. I stay strong, keep smiling, appreciate the friendship and go with the flow but in actually i am crumbling inside. you single handedly chip away at my self worth by your flip flopping. either you want it or you dont.
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