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Confessions of A Beautiful Mind

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i am a strange, bizarre and intoxicatingly special person. get to know me. i love caramel. that's all i know. bump chocolate and vanilla.

01 October 2005

2005 in Review: 20 Things I Learned.

The year is nearly over. I learned somethings. Let me share...

1. Its way more fun to be a lame sitting around the house, minding your business and doing your work than it is to be out at every club and bar and in everone's drama.
2. Being drunk is overrated. I wanted it so bad, thought I could never get it and when it finally happened I was SICK.
3. Let crushes stay crushes. When they are on crush status you see them in this immaculate light. When you get them where you want them you see soooooooo much more than you wanted to see. My one crush turned out to be a great friend to me and they will stay there.
4. Dont fuck with greeks. Period. This was a rule from before but I'm reinstating it. I have seen too much to change my mind. Greeks are drama and most them weren't shit before the letters. They get some letters and they want to be all badass.
5. People who weren't important to anyone before will take any sign of people paying attention to them and run with it, even if its negative. i.e. I'll let you call me a Bitch because it makes me feel like I'm important enough to talk about.
6. Beware good deeds initially. You dont know how they will flip it in the next 2 months. People love to get you hooked on the ideal them and then when they tire of you they let the asshole freeeeeee.
7. Never give to receive. I give a lot. I never receive. And that's fine with me. I'd be a very bitter bitch if i expected folks to give back to me. My birthday is coming up. I gave some good gifts this year for other people's birthdays. I dont have high hopes of seeing anything great for mine. Hell... I love a thought out card or letter but I doubt I'll be getting it.
8. Some people talk a really good game. I cant even elaborate but they were good enough to get what they want out of me and I usually can see right through it.
9. Never trust a man who isnt where he wants to be in life. He wants to see someone else around him in the same spot.
10. Judge a man by the company he keeps. If he keeps little (1 person) or no company BEWARE. He's got issues and they will show. I'm an introvert but I am not a borderline sociopath. There's a difference.
11. If your friends tell you a man is a dog listen before you get pregnant by him.
12. If no other man loves you, your daddy always will.
13. Dont give a fuck. More people like you this way. No one likes a nice person.
14. Eventually everyone has a dream to come true.
15. I'm blessed.
16. If something is going great never take it for granted. I took this summer for granted and it was great. I got to experience so many things. Even New Orleans in it's old state for one last time.
17. God makes a way and doesnt have time for those lukewarm believers. Cynics? Move out the way. Unfaithful? Brace yourself.
18. It doesnt matter how old you are... GET YOUR DEGREE!!!!
19. What goes around comes around. You can be a big man, doing everything you want one minute and then have 11 trumped up charges against you including vehicular homicide on you the next. Does what's right people.
20. Love yourself and each day will become more satisfying. Your insecurities show to a perceptive eye.

and it's only october. hehehe.