God Bless You
I have allergies.... big time. I need to get on medicine yada, yada but insurance aint playing. they figure everyone can use clairitin or allegra and it will be okay. hell no i need some zyrtec but since its most expensive they dont want to give it to me. my daddy got me a new PPO so i'll be at an allergist soon enough. however, until then i am forced to have sneezing spells in public. since when did acne and allergies just become assumed to be treated? i got acne right now because i was tired of taking birth control just to keep it away (i wasnt having sex when i took them) and i didnt want to get on that crazy accutane. when i sneeze or have a bump people want to ask "WHY DONT YOU GET IT TREATED"? fuck you.... pay me or else its not getting treated. stupid hmo said my skin wasnt bad enough to get a referal to a dermatologist. anyway. people have these attitudes that allergies have gone the way of chichen pox, measles, mumps and menstrual cyles: "there's medicine for that. we dont have those in the united states".

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